In the wake of a devastating incident on Sunday morning near Nara Visa by the New Mexico and Texas state line, our hearts go out to the community grappling with the loss resulting from a fatal collision between two vehicles...
In the early hours of May 11, 2022, tragedy struck on U.S. 285, south of Roswell, NM, as New Mexico State Police responded to a devastating head-on collision. Such incidents not only leave families shattered but also...
In the aftermath of a devastating accident on April 28th near Eunice, NM, our hearts go out to the families affected by the loss resulting from a collision involving multiple vehicles. As details emerge from the investigation...
Garza County, Texas (April 22, 2022) – Around 9 a.m. on Friday morning, a 6-year-old passenger was injured and a woman died after a car crash at US 84 and FM 211. Texas DPS reported that Kimberly Meagan Craig and her...
Andrews County, TX (April 20, 2022) – A 54-year-old male, Alfredo Sanchez, died Wednesday afternoon after a two-vehicle crash occurred on FM 1788. Officers said Sanchez was traveling southbound on the FM 1788 when Amador...
Accidents on an oil rig are dangerous and frightening. After a traumatic accident, knowing what to do isn’t clear. The oil rig injury attorneys at Fadduol, Cluff, Hardy & Conaway are here to help with a step-by-step...
Injuries in a large commercial truck accident tend to be severe or catastrophic. Even a seemingly minor impact can have deadly results due to the size and weight difference between these tractor-trailer trucks and passenger...
If you were injured in a semi-truck accident in New Mexico, you may be wondering what type of settlement you may receive. At Fadduol, Cluff, Hardy & Conaway, we work with our clients to obtain the maximum compensation...
Andrews, TX (March 16, 2022) – Nine people are dead and two are in critical condition after a van carrying a university golf team crashed into a pickup truck. The accident occurred at around 8 PM nine miles from the...
Were you injured in a car accident in Texas? If so, one of the first things you should learn about is the average car accident settlement amounts in Texas. According to the Texas Department of Transportation, there...