Jury Verdict
Settlement Sexual Abuse
Settlement Treatment Foster Case Abuse
Trucking Wrongful Death
Jury Verdict in Rock Wall Injury/Summer Camp Injury
Burn Injury
Oilfield Explosion Catastrophic Burns
Judgment in Oilfield Wrongful Death
Serious Injury
Oilfield Serious Injury
Traumatic Brain Injury
Oilfield Injury
Amputation Injury
MVA Wrongful Death
Oilfield Explosion
Motorcycle / Trucking Wrongful Death
Electrocution Wrongful Death
MVA Wrongful Death
Trucking Wrongful Death
Trucking Paralysis
Construction Paralysis
Wrongful Death Drunk Driver case
Oilfield Wrongful Death
Oilfield Injury
MVA Wrongful Death
Serious Injury
Trucking Wrongful Death
Workplace Injury
Oilfield Wrongful Death
Trucking Serious Injury
Oilfield Paralysis
Trucking Wrongful Death
Serious Work-Related Injury
Residential Treatment Neglect
Car Wreck-Knee Surgeries
Wrongful Death Oilfield
Mine Explosion
ATV Rollover
Trucking Wrongful Death
Oilfield Electrocution
Serious Neck Injury/Oilfield Injury
Traumatic Brain Injury
Company Truck Wreck-Back Surgery
Serious Injury
Facial Injury
Serious Injury
Each case is unique and past results are not guarantees of future performance. Outcomes depend on the specific facts of each case.