Can I Sue If I Initially Reported No Injuries at My Car Crash?

You were involved in a car accident but told the other driver (or maybe even the police) on the scene that you were not injured. Then, hours, days, or weeks later, you begin to have neck stiffness, back pain, or severe headaches. Can you still file a car accident lawsuit?
The short answer is yes, you can still sue. The slightly longer answer is yes, you can still sue — provided you have evidence of your injury. While a notation in a police report or immediate treatment at an ER offers strong proof, they are not essential to your case. In addition, even if you are not injured, you can file a car accident lawsuit to recover any property damage you sustained.
If you have specific questions about your case, a car accident attorney can answer them. In the meantime, keep reading for more information about filing a car crash claim, even if you initially reported no injuries.
Why Would Someone Not Report an Injury?
If you’ve been involved in a car accident, you know it can be stressful and overwhelming. When this happens, people don’t always think clearly.
Some individuals experience a surge of adrenaline or anger, which can mask any pain they might otherwise notice. Others may be embarrassed to report an injury from a minor fender bender. Finally, some car crash victims suffer very serious injuries that do not always have immediate symptoms.
What Types of Injuries Don’t Show Up Right Away?
Accident compensation attorneys know that, sometimes, even severe injuries take a while to appear. Specifically, the following injuries may appear days or weeks after a collision.
One of the most potentially dangerous consequences of a car crash is traumatic brain injury (TBI), including a concussion. While a loss of consciousness from a TBI may happen immediately, symptoms like dizziness, headaches, blurry vision, and clouded thinking may not appear until later.
Soft Tissue Injuries
Soft tissue damage often causes pain, swelling, and reduced movement, but these symptoms may not appear immediately. For example, whiplash often causes an injury to the neck muscles that you don’t feel until later. Deep bruises can represent serious injury, but bruising almost always takes a while to appear.
Spine and Back Injuries
As most car crash attorneys know, even minor accidents can cause back injuries. Accident victims may suffer damage to the bone, muscles, nerves, tendons, ligaments, and other soft tissues. While you may not feel pain initially, you could later notice numbness, tingling, headaches, or stiffness.
What Kind of Evidence Documents an Injury?
Not reporting an injury at the time of an accident is very different from having no evidence of an injury at all. If you never seek medical treatment, you may find it difficult to file a successful lawsuit, even with an experienced car wreck injury lawyer at your side.
If you make an injury claim after the accident, you will need to document that you sought medical treatment within a reasonable timeframe. Proof of your injuries may include the following:
- Medical bills, doctor’s notes, or other evidence of medical care
- Photos of cuts, bruises, or other visible injuries
- Statements from witnesses who knew about your injury
- Paystubs or other documentation showing that you missed work
- Testimony from medical experts or car crash legal experts
How Can an Auto Accident Lawyer Help Me?
Consulting with vehicle collision legal counsel can help you understand your options after a car accident. If you are considering filing a lawsuit, call 800-433-2408 to reach the experienced car accident attorneys at Fadduol, Cluff, Hardy & Conaway, P.C. or fill out our online form.