Case Result: Forklift Mishap & Leg Amputation
Gross Amount: $12,000,000.00
Forklift Operator Dropped Unsecured Load Causing Leg Amputation
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Our client was grievously injured at an industrial site and after being airlifted, he underwent an emergency amputation of his leg. At the height of our client’s medical emergency, the Defendant’s managers falsely reported that their forklift driver had been properly trained to operate the industrial forklift that was in use. Subsequent litigation revealed that the forklift driver had absolutely no training or experience with heavy industrial forklifts.
By digging deep through the minutia of the Defendants’ records, our firm was able to locate an ex-employee of the Defendant. This witness provided valuable information which ultimately led to the discovery of thousands of pages of withheld safety documents. The case settled shortly thereafter.
The compensation paid was so abundant that our client was able to make substantial gifts to the grandchildren. Our client’s financial dreams were realized when she drove through the gated entrance of her new home comforted with the knowledge that her life was secured by a stream of income. These days, she spends much of her time attending her church and helping others.
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If you are in need of a compassionate and hardworking personal injury lawyer, contact Fadduol, Cluff, Hardy, & Conaway today.
Each case is unique and past results are not guarantees of future performance. Outcomes depend on the specific facts of each case.