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Common Injuries in Car Accidents and How to Prevent Them

July 14, 2023
car accident

In the U.S. alone, there are over 14,000 car accidents per day. Car accident injuries can range from relatively minor to catastrophic.  Approximately 120 accidents each day result in the loss of human life.

What injuries are common in a car accident, and is there any way to avoid an accident or getting hurt in an accident? 

Common Injuries in Car Accidents

Car accidents can lead to a range of different injuries, ranging from mild to severe, depending on impact speeds and the type of accident. Common types of injuries from car accidents include:

  • Cuts, scrapes, and lacerations
  • Bruising and contusions
  • Broken bones
  • Damage to internal organs
  • Internal bleeding
  • Whiplash
  • Eye injuries or loss of vision
  • Broken ribs or other chest injuries
  • Concussions or other types of brain damage
  • Spinal cord injury in the neck or back
  • Facial trauma
  • Burns
  • Death

While a cut might just require cleaning and a fresh adhesive bandage, something as serious as a broken bone or head injury should receive immediate medical treatment.

Avoiding Common Collision Factors

You can do several things when driving to help avoid an accident in the first place. The first is to be aware of other drivers around you and go with the flow of traffic. Making other drivers go around you because you’re going too slow or zig-zagging between slower vehicles because you’re going too fast are both habits that can cause a collision.

Another way to avoid car accident injuries is to always use your turn signal indicator when merging into another lane. It is also your responsibility to merge safely. Make sure there is enough space for your vehicle as well as enough space for you to accelerate to match the flow of traffic.

Nearly everyone speeds sometimes. Maybe you are running late for an appointment or need to clock back in after lunch. However, speed is a major factor in most accidents.

Speeding often leads to other risky decisions, like merging in front of a truck that needs more braking distance just to gain three car lengths at the light. You won’t make it back to work on time if you get in an accident.

You also need to be aware of stopping distance and leave enough space between your car and other vehicles. A vehicle in front of you might stop suddenly, and you need time and space to react.

Finally, remember that even if you know how a traffic circle or a four-way stop works, many other drivers don’t. Never assume someone will yield just because they should or that they won’t stop in the middle of a circle to let other vehicles in when they should keep going. Be ready to hit your brakes at any intersection.

Follow Best Practices When Driving or Riding in a Car

Is there a way to prevent injuries when driving a car or as a passenger? You can take certain measures to reduce the impact of any injuries in a car, including:

  • Not speeding
  • Not drinking and driving
  • Always wearing your seatbelt
  • Maintaining your vehicle’s safety systems
  • Not letting anything distract you from the road
  • Repairing a chipped or cracked windshield before it gets worse
  • Looking both ways before entering an intersection or backing out of a drive or parking space

Contact an Experienced Personal Injury Firm in Texas or New Mexico 

Car accident injuries are serious. If you’ve suffered injuries in  either Texas or New Mexico or, contact our car accident law firm at Fadduol, Cluff, Hardy & Conaway, P.C. We have represented clients for insurance claims and personal injury lawsuits in these states since 1984.Call us today at 866-434-0228 or contact us online to schedule your free consultation.