How a Lubbock Truck Accident Attorney Can Maximize Your Compensation

The Texas Department of Transportation reports that almost 39,000 commercial vehicle accidents occur in the Lone Star State each year. A Lubbock truck accident attorney can help if you’re ever involved in a crash with a large truck in Texas.
You can maximize the compensation in a truck crash case with the right truck accident legal representation. Learn how a Lubbock personal injury attorney can put you in the position to collect the maximum compensation possible below.
Determining Liability
Who was responsible for your truck accident crash? This is typically the first question a Lubbock truck accident attorney will attempt to answer when you bring them your case and ask for assistance.
To determine liability in your truck accident, an attorney from a trusted Texas truck accident law firm will launch an investigation. They’ll seek to show that the driver of the truck that hit you was to blame for your crash.
A reliable commercial vehicle accident lawyer will also take things a step further and determine whether any other entities may have been to blame for your crash. Their investigation could reveal that:
- A trucking company is liable after not providing the proper training or supervision to the truck driver who hit you
- A truck part manufacturer is liable for selling faulty parts to the trucking company that employs the truck driver who hit you
- A cargo-loading company is liable for improperly loading the truck driven by the truck driver who hit you
What initially seems like an open-and-shut truck accident case could become more complicated following an in-depth investigation. You may want to look into filing several Lubbock accident claims against the parties who share the blame for your truck crash.
Gathering Evidence
In addition to determining liability in your case by relying on their knowledge and experience, a Lubbock truck accident attorney will search for key evidence highlighting who was responsible for your crash. Examples of viable evidence may include any of the following:
- Photographs and videos of your truck accident scene
- Eyewitness statements detailing what people saw during your truck accident
- The official police report created after your truck accident
- Medical records related to the injuries you sustained in your truck accident
A Lubbock truck accident lawyer might even bring in someone to use models and computer simulations to reconstruct your crash and show how it happened. All of this evidence could yield a better outcome in your case and maximize your compensation.
Holding Negotiations
You might not have to go to court to collect compensation in your truck accident case. A Lubbock truck accident attorney can also negotiate with the legal representation for the defendant in your lawsuit to see whether they might be able to strike a fair deal.
The majority of truck accident cases and personal injury lawsuits don’t go to trial. They’re settled after negotiations between the lawyers for the plaintiffs and defendants.
Your truck accident attorney can calculate the damages they evaluate you’re entitled to and work to convince the defendant in your case to agree to settle your lawsuit. This will save you time and money while giving you almost immediate access to the compensation you need to cover medical expenses and other costs.
Contact Us To Hire a Lubbock Truck Accident Attorney To Represent You
Why settle for a lowball offer from the defendant in your truck accident case? Start working with a Lubbock truck accident attorney from Fadduol, Cluff, Hardy & Conaway, P.C. instead to maximize the compensation you can collect. Call 800-433-2408 today to schedule a free case evaluation.