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Injured in a Car Crash? Options if the At-Fault Driver Lied

January 17, 2024
Car Crash

In many car accident cases, both parties want to move on quickly. Other times, the at-fault driver avoids taking responsibility, which complicates the process. What happens if you’re in an accident and the at-fault driver lies and says it wasn’t their fault?

There are steps you can take to pursue compensation for your losses, even if the responsible driver lies. A car accident attorney from Fadduol, Cluff, Hardy & Conaway, P.C. can help you through this difficult situation. 

Why Do At-Fault Drivers Lie?

When pursuing an action against an at-fault driver who lied, it may help to understand their motivation. The obvious reason is that they don’t want to — or can’t — pay for damages. They believe that they can lie their way out of taking responsibility for the crash. 

They might also lie if they were under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or were  breaking a traffic law to avoid further penalties. Instead of being honest, the driver may try to blame you for the accident. 

Your Options When an At-Fault Driver Lies

When the at-fault driver lies, call a car accident attorney to represent you and protect your rights. You and your attorney can take several steps to pursue compensation.

1. Contact the Police

When you’re in a car accident, you should always call the police. Upon arrival, they will fill out an accident report detailing the accident scene, road conditions, and other important details. They offer an objective point of view, which is especially valuable with an at-fault driver who lies. 

2. Test the Driver’s Credibility

An experienced lawyer will be able to check for inconsistencies between the statements the at-fault driver gives the police and their insurance company. Additionally, if they have a history of accidents and traffic violations, your lawyer  may be able to use this to challenge their credibility. 

3. Document Medical Treatment

Seek medical treatment as soon as possible after the accident. Even if you don’t believe you’re badly injured, minor injuries can worsen over time. Without a medical record, the at-fault driver could diminish your claims. 

4. Keep Your Statements Consistent

Never combat the at-fault driver’s lies with your own. Remain truthful and consistent in all of your statements. Working with a car accident attorney will help you maintain your credibility.

When speaking to police, insurance companies, or other investigators, only give essential information. If they want more details, direct them to your attorney. 

 5. Rely on Physical Evidence 

The more physical evidence you have, the better. Following the accident, take photos and videos of the accident scene. Your attorney may also help you gain camera footage if it’s available. Specifically, capture the damage to both vehicles, how they’re positioned, and any other damage at the scene. 

 6. Contact Witnesses

If anyone witnessed the accident, ask for their contact information. Having other objective points of view who can argue against a lying driver can help set the record straight. Since they have no stake in the accident, investigators consider them reliable. 

Pursue Compensation After an Injury Accident With Faddoul, Cluff, Hardy & Conaway, P.C.

Working with an uncooperative at-fault driver can be frustrating. Remember to stay professional, as this will help your credibility. Working with a skilled car accident attorney will also help you appear credible and combat the at-fault driver’s false statements.

Faddoul, Cluff, Hardy & Conaway, P.C. can take on this challenge. With several decades of experience, we know how to navigate complex cases. Call 800-433-2408 today to schedule a free consultation.