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What Should I Do After a Truck Accident in Odessa?

June 26, 2024
Truck Accident in Odessa

Truck accidents, no matter the circumstances, are frightening events that can have lasting financial and medical consequences. Many people struggle to know what to do after a car accident: What actions should they take? Who should they talk to?

An experienced Odessa truck accident lawyer can help you navigate your options after an accident to protect your best interests. Reach out to Fadduol, Cluff, Hardy & Conaway, P.C., today to learn more.

Truck Accidents

Most Odessa residents drive often to get to work and recreational activities. Unfortunately, this sometimes results in accidents. When one of the vehicles in an accident is a truck, the damage can be incredibly serious. 

Important Steps

If you have recently gotten into an accident with a truck, follow these recommendations from our Odessa truck accident lawsuit attorney.

Safety First

The most important thing is to ensure the health and safety of every person involved in the accident, including drivers, passengers, and pedestrians. If any person needs urgent medical attention, including you, contact emergency services as soon as possible.

Call 911 and Report to the Police

Even if no one at the scene needs emergency medical care, call 911 immediately. Law enforcement officers will come to the scene of the accident and create an official police report. This accident report can be very helpful for you.

Document the Scene

If possible, document the scene as much as you can. This typically means taking photographs of the positions of the vehicles as well as close-up photographs of any damage.

This is also a good time to look around and see whether any witnesses saw the accident. If so, get their contact information. A witness statement can help an Odessa lawyer for truck accidents prove another party’s liability.

Exchange Information

It is also crucial to exchange information with the other driver. Get their contact information, insurance information, and license plate number. If the truck driver works for a trucking company, get the company’s contact and insurance information. This will help your legal representation for truck crashes in Odessa investigate your case effectively and efficiently.

Seek Medical Attention

Even if you did not have a major medical issue that required an ambulance at the accident, you may notice other injuries. Seek medical attention for those injuries as quickly as you can.

Sometimes, victims feel completely okay after an accident. In those cases, our Odessa truck accident injury lawyers still recommend getting checked out by a doctor. Some injuries may take time to appear or may only be noticeable to a trained medical professional. Keep all the documentation of your medical visits — it could help your case.

Reach Out to an Experienced Lawyer

Many different parties are involved in truck accidents: multiple insurance companies, the trucking company, your medical providers, and the other driver. We recommend being very careful if adjusters from truck companies contact you; they may try to downplay the accident’s impact on your life.

We recommend reaching out to an experienced truck wreck lawyer serving Odessa to help support you and advocate on your behalf in communications with other parties. An experienced professional can work in your best interest throughout the process.

Call Our Team Today

Experienced support can help make the aftermath of a truck accident less overwhelming for victims. For a free consultation with an Odessa truck accident lawyer, contact Fadduol, Cluff, Hardy & Conaway, P.C., today at 800-433-2408.