Many individuals take great pride in working hard and earning a good living. The oil fields provide that opportunity for many; unfortunately,, accidents can and do happen in oil fields. An experienced oilfield attorney can...
If you’ve had a truck accident, you probably want compensation from the careless driver who hit you (and possibly their employer). To recover damages, you’ll need the help of an experienced truck accident attorney...
Nursing homes often present themselves as bright, cheery places, but many have a dark and seedy underbelly. Instead of caring for residents, some nursing home care staff subject the residents to neglect and abuse. If you...
Every day, catastrophic accidents claim the lives of victims in their prime. Losing a loved one is incredibly painful, even more so if you lose them because of someone’s negligence. Suing the at-fault party won’t bring...
If you suffered childhood sexual abuse and never told anyone, you might wonder whether it’s still possible to seek justice from the perpetrator. Whether you can sue for child sexual abuse depends on the degree of severity...
Are you a childhood sexual abuse survivor or suspect that someone you love may have suffered such abuse? You’re not alone. According to the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN), one in nine girls and one in 20...
A prescription error, a mishap during surgery, or a medical misdiagnosis can have devastating, even fatal consequences. A wrongful death lawsuit could help the families of medical malpractice victims seek justice and...
Any motor vehicle accident can cause harm, but truck collisions often have particularly catastrophic consequences. As an experienced truck accident lawyer knows, the occupants of smaller vehicles tend to experience greater...
As any car accident lawyer can tell you, the outcome of a claim depends on evidence: photos of the accident scene, dash cam footage, witness statements, the police report, and medical records. Reliable, detailed medical...
It can be hard to decide what to do first after a motorbike collision. Assuming you’re conscious and not in immediate danger, what is more important: calling the police, seeking medical treatment, or evidence gathering? Or...